Jul 15, 2555 BE
The Strategic arms limitation talks (SALT) are the only negotiations that have been held in more than four decades aimed at limiting the number of nuclear warheads each country may possess.
SALT II Conference in Paris (Versailles, France) (Part II of the SALT I conference in Vienna in 1979) which ended on July 18, 1985.
GPS III launch 04/26/03 Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) Orbiter/MIDAS 5 1 7 250 8 038 90 11 No
Particulate matter (PM) and its effects on the climate and public health.
PM2.5 - The health effects of long-term exposure to particulate air pollution.
There is strong evidence that exposure to particulate matter (PM) increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD), respiratory diseases and lung cancer.
Primary Sources of PM2.5 and Non-CVD Mortality in the United States, 1980-2009.
The United States Census Bureau.
PM2.5 - An assessment of the current science base.
2.4 Risks from tropospheric ozone. Ozone is the most common air pollutant in the troposphere.
3.0 Ozone and its effects.
"Ozone, air pollution and human health."
Ozone is an air pollutant that can react with NOx, VOCs and other gases to form secondary species that are associated with respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.
Aug 16, 2556 BE
This publication presents the results of a study of the behavior of temperature-dependent dielectric properties, principally the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss factor, of a large number of materials using the temperature- dependent measurements of Vlieg, Nelson and Ashby, who were the first to document the phenomenon of temperature-dependent relaxation in materials in 1947.
Temperatures exceeding about 30 C or 86 F do not have a strong effect on the measured dielectric constant or loss factor values for most dielectric materials.
Jan 5, 2561 BE
Raduga 1.9.7 is the music automation software for radio stations, clubs and shops. You create playlists simply by dragging audio files from the Windows explorer.
Auror Project.
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