Joining one of the many factions in Skyrim is a separate adventure that reaps rewards and increases the chances of surviving the final boss battle, Alduin. Not all factions have armor given to the player, and most sets favor only one type of combat style. Still, the armor given is always good, even if some of them are more limited than others.
The giant setback here is that there are no enchantments to make the sets more desirable to keep around. While a player could enchant the pieces to make them better, doing so requires the player to level that skill, but by the time they get to a skill level that would make a difference, these armors are obsolete.
Skyrim For Honor Armor
The DLC "Dawnguard" is an interesting one. The player makes a choice between siding with the Dawnguard or siding with the Valkihar Clan and becoming a vampire. This path is easier to complete than the vampire counterpart, and the armor is given once the player completes "A New Order."
On the flip side of the Dawnguard is the Valkihar Clan. The quests that need to be completed before they reach the castle consist of a long and tedious maze of many floors and paths, but the armor players obtain is good early in the game.
This leather armor has one of the best perks in the game for those who prefer magic over melee- 125% Magicka regeneration, allowing the player to blast their enemies to their deaths. Using only one style of combat is a mistake, so players will want to make sure to level up the other perk trees too, even with the bonus. Pair this with several other items that allow regeneration to be unstoppable. This, however, is easily made up for with other sets, and with no other perks, it becomes useless quickly.
The Companions, or the Fighters Guild, provides many different types of armor, but the Wolf Armor is the highest a player can get from this faction. The best part is that this set can be obtained early in the Companions quest line as a reward for "Proving Honor," the second quest, and at least one Radiant Quest. As such, the time to get Wolf Armor is minimal compared to most factions.
A nice set of heavy armor, Wolf Amor is perfect for those more melee bound with a total armor rating of 72 and the best encumbrance for the player. This is better than regular steel armor but offers less protection. With no additional perks, the set should be replaced by better heavy armor sets or actually becoming a werewolf instead.
The player interacts with the Blades faction right after they escape Helgen if they are following the main story. Entering Sky Temple in "Alduin's Wall," the armor is found in a chest in the armory. Be careful when putting on the set and remove anything the character is wearing before equipping Blades Armor as it replaces everything and the old armor can be lost indefinitely.
Whether the player refers to the Blades faction as protectors or dragon hunters, there is no denying that their armor is superior to most heavy sets. With a high armor rating of 114 for the set but no additional perks, this is perfect for the melee-based characters before acquiring better armor such as Daedric and is obtainable without running around Skyrim for the parts or the supplies.
A thief and a con artist, the guild master reaps the benefits of this armor with an increased carrying capacity, a giant increase in pickpocketing and lockpicking, and better prices in the shops, which is useful to sell hot merchandise. However, Guild Master's Armor is outshined by the Nightingale counterpart.
No matter the type of combat the player wishes to use, the Nightingale armor set fits all. The path to acquisition is long and difficult as players must complete the Thieves Guild's quest line and turn in the Skeleton Key. Keep in mind that this is an entirely separate faction from the Thieves Guild. Despite the long hours and the high cost, obtaining the Nightingale Armor is worth the blood, sweat, tears, and shouting at the TV.
Visually stunning and beneficial to the thickest of thieves, his light class armor offers more than basic protection: muffled footsteps, added bonuses to illusion spells, stamina, and frost resistance, and increased weapons damage which only get stronger as the player levels up.
To assassinate in style, look no further than the Ancient Shrouded Armor. Red and black leather-bound and lightweight, players will pledge their allegiance to the Dread Lord Sithus and join the Dark Brotherhood to obtain it. After the "Breaching Security" quest, players are rewarded Olava's token. When turned in, it reveals the location of this very powerful armor.
Warming the darkest of hearts and one of the best light armors in Skyrim, this armor makes sneaking up on your enemies to slit their throats a breeze. The Ancient Shrouded Armor has multiple enchantments to make the player strong and sneaky with any weapon choice.
Honor Guard Armor gives the Dragonborn a brand new armor set and a new weapon. The armor is made up of stalhrim and steel armor. The sword is an iron sword. The The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn add-on is required to run this mod.
The creators of the mod made sure that you can craft equipment to the armor depending on how you want to play, which means thieves and knights alike will find a use for this highly-detailed set of armor.
All of the armors added with this mod are extremely lore-friendly. And with over 50 sets of armor to choose from it will be hard for you to not find something you like considering everything this mod has to offer.
Luckily, there are many pieces of armor and weapons that can be found in Skyrim that aren't locked behind a particular level. Unfortunately, some of the best armor in the game, such as Daedric and Ebony, doesn't start appearing until much later levels. While it's probably a good idea to strive for better gear eventually, there is some decent gear that you can find immediately after leaving Helgen.
This stronghold normally doesn't open until the player is level 9 or higher, but you can simply climb up the hill to the lefthand side of the stronghold and drop down behind the wall. The armor and weapons will count as stolen and the orcs will send Thugs after you, but with near full Orcish Armor, they won't be much of a problem.
Unlike other crowns, the Diadem of the Savant counts as Light Armor and has a base rating of 7, but it also doesn't interfere with the Alteration perk Mage Armor, meaning it is a good option for players wanting to use Flesh spells instead of wearing armor.
Normally, the Ancient Shrouded Armor is a reward item given to the player if they meet certain criteria during the Dark Brotherhood questline. However, players can obtain the armor without ever joining the Dark Brotherhood and gain access to one of the best Light Armor sets in the game for an assassin or thief.
By heading through Deepwood Redoubt, found west of Solitude, you can access Hag's End and the room where the hidden door to the Assassin of Old is, though the mechanism to open the door won't be there. By taking the Ritual Stone and activating its effect while standing right up against the door, you can revive the Assassin of Old, then head outside of Hag's End to make him spawn next to you, where his armor can be taken once the effect wears off.
Heritage armor sets are cosmetic rewards unique to each playable race. Their cosmetic nature means they are transmoggable over any armor type, from plate to cloth. The set is unlocked account-wide, and can be worn or transmogrified by any character of the armor's race.
Allied races can unlock their set by leveling an allied race character to level 50 without the use of the Recruit-A-Friend extra level bonus, Character Boost, Race Change, or Faction Change services. Upon reaching level 50, they automatically receive a quest to speak to their faction leader in their capital and receive their armor.
Core races can unlock their set by earning Exalted reputation with their respective racial faction on any max level character, and completing a short racial questline. For questline details, see the article for each armor set.
"Inspired by Skyrim and some of my favourite mods from the game, I bring you the TES-51 Power Armor! The armor of the Dragonborn! This mod comes with not only a suit of power armor, but a lot of customizability, and some weapons to go with it!"
And it's not just one armor suit either, but several heavily inspired designs to survive in the Wasteland and avoid Preston Harvey at all costs. You can even yell "Fus Roh Dah" really, really loudly if you felt so inclined. Whatever makes your Fallout 4 experience even better.
The mods listed here today focus on weapons and armor mods that are lore friendly with maximized immersion. These mods will tackle different aspects of weapons and mods, from texture replacements to content polishing or complete overhauls. Each tweak is guaranteed to elevate your experience in Skyrim and you can feel free to mix and match different combos of the mods here!
Most races like Orcs, Thalmor, and Imperial have their own set of armor in Skyrim. This mod will add 5 different Bosmer Armors that are suitable for all races and genders. These armors bear details of leather, staying true to the nature of Bosmers who are natural hunters. Bosmer NPCs will be spotted wearing the default Bosmer Plain Armor so just like the Thalmor, you can spot them afar from their armor!
Dragonbone armor is one of the strongest armor in the game and its no surprise that the game only has two variations of it just like other armor. This mod will add three more modular Dragonbone armor at three different locations to be looted from. The female version will stay true to the Barbarian and Forsworn skimpier style with fewer clothing pieces while the male version will have a much more complete look.
Looks are half the effort! If you are looking to expand your Skyrim experience, this mod will diversify your wardrobe for sure! Immersive Armors adds new armor, shields, and clothing pieces like eye patches and earrings to the game! Think of it as a Sims 4 in Skyrim. The mod allows you to customize a lot of options according to race or culture or even enemy types during installation! 2ff7e9595c